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They also want to Rejoice


As we rejoice, let's give others the opportunity to rejoice as well

On Purim we all rejoice with our families and friends. Our spirits are high as we thank hashen for all the miracles he has preformed. At the same time we are commanded not to forget of our less fortunate brethren and provide to their needs, thereby giving them the opportunity to rejoice as well.

Through Kupat Ha'ir you have the opportunity to help thousands of our brethren in Israel, and at the same time fulfilling your mitzva of matanos l'evyonim in its best.

Contribute and Give your Matanos L'evyonim Now! Call: 1-888-587-2842

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American Friends of Kupat Ha'ir 4415 14th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219
www.kupat.org Email: info@kupat.org

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