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۱۳۹۰ اسفند ۱۶, سه‌شنبه

Make Your PURIM Joyous This Year!!!


Ezras Yisroel - Matanos L'evyonim Campaign

This year on Purim... transform starvation and hopelessness to salvation and joy.

On Purim day, Jews are commanded to focus all their energies on rejoicing. And to insure that all Jews partake in this commandment is the special mitzvah of Matanos L'evyonim- providing for those who are less fortunate on Purim day, and allowing them to perform this commandment as well.

Indeed, there are still too many Jews who, instead of rejoicing, are mired in the depression, starvation, and hopelessness of their grim financial situation. Through Ezras Yisroel, everyone can seize upon this priceless opportunity to help fulfill this important mitzvah. With your donation, Ezras Yisroel can guarantee a happy Purim, free of monetary worry, to those who need it most.

YES! I would like to join Ezras Yisroel in bringing joy to so many broken hearts. I understand that my entire donation will be distributed to the needy on the day of Purim, thereby fulfilling my obligation of Matanos L'evyonim.

Click to donate
(This is a secured web page)

For more information or to pledge, you can also

1) Call our hotline at: 1-800-601-4644

2) Fax your credit card information to: 1-866-871-4104
3) Mail: your tax-deductible contributions payable to:

4415 14th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY, 11219

4) E-mail your credit card info to: donations@ezrasyisroel.org

You can also visit us at http://www.ezrasyisroel.org

In the merit of your kindness to support the poor and alleviating their suffering, may G-d Give you and your family a year of health, happiness, and prosperity. May we see the Geulah speedily in our days.

Make your Purim joyous this year
Make your Purim joyous this year

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