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۱۳۹۰ آذر ۲۴, پنجشنبه

Ensure NEVER AGAIN continues to have meaning

League for the Educational Awareness of the Holocaust
Never Again

Dear Debka Subscriber:

What are you doing to ensure these words continue to have meaning?

Many of us feel the words have represented the sentiment for a generation of Jewish-Americans, but now, it does not have the same depth of meaning to our children and grandchildren. They are so far removed from the atrocities of the Holocaust that were shared in so many homes more than 50 years ago, and so many of us are at fault for allowing it to fade from the conversations in our homes and society.

Donate to LEAHWe fear that future generations will simply know the words "Holocaust" without understanding the impact a tyrant had on the lives of those who were needlessly murdered, and the few who survived to tell the story. Allowing the next generation to continue with this limited world-view is simply unacceptable to us.

The next generation thinks the killing of innocents as a result of religion, race, creed, sexual orientation, or for any other reason, is just something they may occasionally witness on the news or read about in a history book, if ever required to do so.

That is an OUTRAGE and we must ensure that civilized societies do not continue to engage in such behavior, and the only way to stop it, is to educate the next generation to recognize the signs.

If you want to ensure that the next generation of both Jewish and Christian children learn to stop bigotry and hatred in your lifetime and theirs, please make a contribution TODAY to support our mission to provide resources and training to teachers so that they can communicate the lessons of the Holocaust and other Genocides to their pupils.

If you are so moved, any amount from $5 to $2,000 is greatly appreciated, and will help us reach our goal of nearly $100,000 in the next 100 days.

For nearly 20 years, L.E.A.H., League for Educational Awareness of the Holocaust, has been fulfilling our mission in a multi-faceted approach.

Our mission is to raise awareness and funds

To support and encourage educational efforts for children

To help eliminate prejudice and hatred

Using lessons learned from the Holocaust and other genocides.

Each of our activities has tangible results and truly impacts the life of a student who may not have otherwise learned of the atrocities of the Holocaust.

Over the years:

  • We have provided annual "Educator Grants" to cover an all-inclusive trip for teachers who travel to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., for three days of intensive Holocaust and Genocide instruction.
  • We have continued to provide the Shoah Visual History Archives at Florida Atlantic University that document the experience of survivors and other witnesses that provides direct access to 52,000 video testimonials in 32 languages from 56 countries. All of these resources require more than 135 terabytes of storage!
  • We have partially sponsored over 350 student trips to the Polish death camps so that these students can return to their home-lands with a mission of sharing their experiences and insights with students on high school and college campuses, community church groups, and synagogues. The students come from all racial, ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds, from 23 countries.

Unlike other organizations, we are NOT strictly focused on educating Jewish youth, but all young people who need a better understanding of how we keep from repeating the mistakes of the past, whether it be as a result of the Holocaust or a more recent genocide.

Will you please make a contribution in the amount of $36 TODAY to ensure we can continue to train thousands of more teachers and their pupils.

The Shoah Visual History Archives is one of the few centers of its kind in the World! It allows anyone to view the documented experience of survivors and others witnesses to the Holocaust, including those who aided, rescued and liberated the survivors, including but not limited to interviews for Jewish survivors, homosexual survivors, Jehovah's Witness survivors, liberators and liberation process witnesses, political prisoners, rescuers and aid providers, Roma and Sinti survivors (Gypsy) survivors of Eugenics policies and war crimes trials participants.

It is one of the most expansive collections in the world that can be used to ENSUREwe keep the words "Never Again" at the forefront in the minds of the YouTube generation. Since Generation X and Y are both accustomed to learning from video-based information, this is the ideal vehicle for teaching them the story of what can go wrong when we allow the mistakes of the past to continue without recognizing the warnings signs.

For the past 16 years, LEAH has been charged with the responsibility for maintaining this center at the annual expense of $20,000 and we need your help to fulfill our goal for the next twelve months. While we understand that economic times are tough for most people, and amount from $5 to the much needed $20,000 is greatly appreciated.

Please understand that there are several ways you can help us meet our very timely goals.

  • $36 helps us send an educator to a local school for a small training session.
  • $60 allows us to keep the center open for a day.
  • $500 allows us to keep the Visual History Archive open for a week.
  • $1,800 keeps it open for a full month.
  • $2,000 sends a teacher to training at the U.S. Holocaust Museum, and
  • $5,000 sends a student to visit the death camps in Poland.

We need your help to ensure "Never again" has meaning beyond our homes, and in the hearts and minds of our nation's youth. These programs are a great way to ensure the right legacy continues.

So join our campaign and help in any way you can. Please follow this link to make a generous contribution of $18, $25, $36, $50, $100 or $360 or any amount you can afford to give.

Rest assured, 100% of your contribution will go to services provided by LEAH that insure that thousands of K-12 students have access to meaningful education about stopping future genocides around the world!

We have an obligation to teach the future generations which does not come without a price. There are no excuses for allowing teachers and students to go without these lessons, lest you intend to see the atrocities of the past are repeated.

Together, we can make a difference, and know we had an impact on the future.


Robert Alrod Signature
Robert Alrod

Michael Salit Signature
Dr. Michael Salit
Vice Chairman

Amanda McGee Signature
Amanda McGee, M.S.W.
Executive Director

P.S. We can have our annual memorials, but then what? If you truly want to know you had an impact on the lives of your children and grandchildren and their friends so we can keep tyrants and dictators from injuring or killing innocent life, help LEAH keep these vital education initiatives properly funded! Thank you. Please follow this link to make your contribution of $18, $25, $36, $50, $100, or $360 right away.

L.E.A.H.    •   4400 N. Federal Highway, Suite 210-15    •   Boca Raton, FL 33431

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